Monday, June 29, 2009

Potter Time is only a few weeks away

Half Blood Prince is coming and apparently it's going to be worth the wait. Here's one of the first reviews out:

"... the Potter loving beast in me has been unleashed after having witnessed a film that was not only exquisite in its production values, but was also charming, funny, scary, enchanting, moving (stop me, the adjectives could go on and on) and dare I say, sexy. Brilliantly directed by David Yates (he directed 2007's "Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix"), "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is a tour-de-force that combines style and substance, special effects and heart and most importantly great performances from all of the actors young and not-so-young. Not only that, half-way through I'm thinking the unthinkable - "ten academy awards nominations are available this year, hmm I wonder...."

It's certainly not my favorite book but this has me looking forward to this quite a bit more.

Also filming on Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 are well into filming. The picture above is taken from the filming at the Ministry.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hahahaha what an emo picture of Harry!!!! Otherwise I'm very excited for the movie and I'm renting 3-5 in the next week to update myself cuz my reading skills will not permit me to do such a thing via the actual books ;)