Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Favorite Movies - The first favorite

So I'm going to be doing this regularly but basically showcasing my favorite movies and making you guys want to see them.

First up: Batman Returns.

Now what brought this to mind? Just listened to the incredible film score by Danny Elfman on Pandora. That's the first great thing about this movie. Next the casting. Michael Keaton really accepts the part of Bruce Wayne and makes it his own. Danny Devito as the Penguin; perfect and really no where else (even in the comics) will you actually feel sorry for this character. Basically the definitive Penguin story.

Christopher Walken as the sleaze boss of the power plant company. He's so perfectly Christopher Walken-esque in this movie.

And of course, Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle. Probably the first time as a kid I can remember thinking to myself; damn this woman can act. Completely underrated role of a lifetime but she shines and makes this more a Catwoman movie than a Batman movie. She's sexy, utterly insane, innocent, but she still makes you feel for her.

Probably the weakest is the plot but damn it still makes for one hell of a comic book movie. Better than some of the crap that keeps coming out today.

Included below are my music video to the movie dedicated to Catwoman and probably my favorite scene of the movie where they realize each other's identities.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Totally agree that this is a great Batman movie- I need to rewatch is sometime soon; I haven't seen since I was younger.